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Launching the system


LatenceTech Reflector is used to accept measurement requests from the QoS Agent and send back results.

First, log into the reflector's host. Then, carefully follow the steps below.

Download and edit

First, download the lti_reflector.yml file using the following command:

wget https://api.latence.ca/software/lti_reflector.yml

The lti_reflector.yml is a docker-compose file with the following contents:

version: '2.4'
    image: registry.latence.ca/software/reflector:latest
    container_name: lti_reflector
      - "12080:12080"
      - "12443:12443"
      - "12023:12023"
      - "12024:12024/udp"
      - "12862:12862"
      - "12501:12501/tcp"
      - "12501:12501/udp"
      - "12550:12550/tcp"
      - "12550:12550/udp"
      - "12555:12555/tcp"
      - "12555:12555/udp"
      - "12800:12800/udp"
      - "12801:12801/udp"
      - "12802:12802/udp"
      - "12803:12803/udp"
      - "12804:12804/udp"
      - "12805:12805/udp"
      - "12806:12806/udp"
      - "12807:12807/udp"
      - "12808:12808/udp"
      - "12809:12809/udp"
      - "12810:12810/udp"
      - "12811:12811/udp"
      - "12812:12812/udp"
      - "12813:12813/udp"
      - "12814:12814/udp"
      - "12815:12815/udp"
      - "12816:12816/udp"
      - "12817:12817/udp"
      - "12818:12818/udp"
      - "12819:12819/udp"
    restart: always
      driver: json-file
      - LTI_reflector_id=REPLACE_BY_DESIRED_ID
      - LTI_license_key=REPLACE_BY_LICENSE_KEY

Before launching the reflector, make the following modifications:

  • Replace the value for LTI_reflector_id by the desired ID. The ID must be an integer.
  • Replace the value for LTI_license_key by your LTI license key.


Launch the reflector using docker-compose:

docker-compose -f lti_reflector.yml pull 
docker-compose -f lti_reflector.yml up -d


You can check the logs using the following command:

docker-compose -f lti_reflector.yml logs

QoS Agent

LatenceTech QoS Agent coordinates QoS measurement requests and sends results to the Analyzer instance.

First, log into the qos agent's host. Then, carefully follow the steps below.

Copy and Edit

The lti_qos-agent.yml is a docker-compose file with the following contents:

version: '2.4'
    image: registry.latence.ca/software/qos-agent:saas
    container_name: lti_qos-agent
    network_mode: bridge
    restart: always
      - NET_ADMIN
      - NET_RAW
      driver: json-file
      - msgbus.latence.ca:REPLACE_BY_IP_OF_ANALYZER_HOST
      - LTI_agent_id=REPLACE_BY_DESIRED_ID
      - LTI_license_key=REPLACE_BY_LICENSE_KEY

      - LTI_agent_name=RELACE_BY_AGENT_NAME
      - LTI_agent_hardware=REPLACE_BY_HARDWARE_NAME
      - LTI_agent_net_type=REPLACE_BY_NETWORK_TYPE
      - LTI_agent_net_name=REPLACE_BY_NETWORK_NAME
      - LTI_agent_address=REPLACE_BY_AGENT_ADDRESS
      - LTI_agent_details=REPLACE_BY_AGENT_DETAILS
      - LTI_agent_expected_application_latency=REPLACE_BY_EXPECTED_APPLICATION_LATENCY
      - LTI_agent_expected_stability=REPLACE_BY_EXPECTED_STABILITY
      - LTI_agent_expected_packet_loss_rate=REPLACE_BY_EXPECTED_PACKET_LOSS

Before launching the agent, make the following modifications:

  • Replace the value for msgbus.latence.ca by the IP address of the host where the analyzer is running.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_id by the desired ID. The ID must be an integer.
  • Replace the value for LTI_license_key by your LTI license key.
  • Replace the value for LTI_reflector by the IP address of the host where the reflector docker is running.

Required metadata modifications:

  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_name by a user-friendly agent or site name that will be used in the dashboards. Use string format with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_expected_application_latency by the expected application latency (mean of HTTP/S, TCP, UDP), in milliseconds. It will be used as a threshold in the dashboards. Use integer format, with minimum 0. You can use a default value of 30.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_expected_stability by the expected network's average latency stability level in percentage. Use float format to represent percentages (from 0.0 to 99.9). You can use a default value of 95.

Optional metadata modifications:

  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_hardware by the type/model of equipment or hardware or host where the agent is installed. Use string format with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_net_type by the network type used (4G, 5G, WIFI, etc). Use string format with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_net_name by the network name. Use string format with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_address by the agent's physical address. Use string format with a maximum size of 255 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_gps_pos by agent's GPS location. The following format is supported: latitude/longitude (use "null" to disable). Example: 45.508, -73.562.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_details by raw text field for agent-specific details. Use string format with a maximum size of 65535 characters.
  • Replace the value for LTI_agent_expected_packet_loss_rate by the network's expected packet loss in percentage. Use float format to represent percentages (from 0.0 to 99.9).


Launch the agent using docker-compose:

docker-compose -f lti_qos-agent.yml pull
docker-compose -f lti_qos-agent.yml up -d


You can check the logs using the following command:

docker-compose -f lti_qos-agent.yml logs

Post launch

Once fully launched, the system will start receiving data and this latter will be displayed in the dashboards.

You can access the dashboards by pointing your browser to the ip address of the analyzer host, on the port 12021, i.e. http://YOUR_ANALYZER_HOST_IP:12021

Important: Make sure all content and advertisement blockers are disabled for this address.