Custom configurations
Sampling and other options can be set under the environment
section of the lti_qos-agent.yml
. Below is an example of all possible customizations.
Note: Any modification to the configuration file of a running docker needs to be followed by a restart of the docker by invoking the following command:
docker-compose -f lti_qos-agent.yml up -d
Interval options, for each protocol
# Interval between bandwidth measures, in seconds -- min: 60
- LTI_iperf3_session_interval=7200
# Interval between traceroute measures, in seconds -- min: 60
- LTI_traceroute_interval=300.0
# Interval between HTTP measures, in seconds -- min: .01
- LTI_http_interval=2.0
# Interval between HTTPs measures, in seconds -- min: .01
- LTI_https_interval=2.0
# Interval between TCP measures, in seconds -- min: .01
- LTI_tcp_interval=2.0
# Interval between UDP measures, in seconds -- min: .01
- LTI_udp_interval=2.0
# Interval between ICMP measures, in seconds -- min: .01
- LTI_icmp_interval=2.0
# Interval between TWAMP sessions, in seconds -- min: 1
- LTI_twamp_session_interval=1
# Interval between PacketLoss measures, in seconds -- min: 1
- LTI_packetlossudp_interval = 5
Note: It is possible to disable a protocol by setting its sampling rate to -1.
E.g. specifying LTI_iperf3_session_interval=-1
will disable iperf.
ICMP specific options
# ICMP timeout, in seconds
- LTI_icmp_timeout=1
# ICMP packet payload, in bytes
# Use integer format, min: 24, default: 56
# Ping equivalent option: -s
- LTI_icmp_packet_payload=56
iPerf3 specific options
# UDP usage for bandwidth measurement
# iperf3 equivalent option: -u
- LTI_iperf3_udp=false
# Duration of the iperf test (seconds)
# iperf3 equivalent option: -t
- LTI_iperf3_test_duration=10
# Length of buffer to read or write (default 128K for TCP or 1460 for UDP)
# iperf3 equivalent option: -l
- LTI_iperf3_buffer_length=128K
# Target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited)
# iperf3 equivalent option: -b
- LTI_iperf3_bitrate=1M
# Time interval between packets during a test (seconds)
# ipef3 equivalent option: -i
- LTI_iperf3_transmit_interval=1
Traceroute specific options
# Maximum hops
- LTI_traceroute_max_hops=32
# Maximum measures per hop
- LTI_traceroute_measures_per_hop=3
TWAMP specific options
# Advanced padding option
- LTI_twamp_packet_use_zero_pad=false
# Packets per session -- min: 1
- LTI_twamp_packet_count=15
# Interval between packets, in milliseconds -- min: 1
- LTI_twamp_packet_interval=100
# Payload size, in bits -- min: 1
- LTI_twamp_packet_payload=1024
Lifbe specific options
# Network Subtype ["WIFI_802_11abg", "WIFI_802_11n", "WIFI_802_11ac",
- LTI_lifbe_network_subtype=MOBILE_5G
# Network Interface ["WIFI","MOBILE","ETH"]
- LTI_lifbe_network_type=MOBILE
# Interval between session measurements, in ms
- LTI_lifbe_session_interval_ms=3600000
# Number of measurement to send per session
- LTI_lifbe_measure_number=5
# Time between two measurement, in ms
- LTI_lifbe_measure_interval_ms=800
# Measure direction ['downlink'|'uplink'|'both']
- LTI_lifbe_measure_direction=both
Packet Loss specific options
# Interval between session measurements, in seconds
- LTI_packetlossudp_interval=5
# Number of packets per measure session -- min: 3, max: 200
- LTI_packetlossudp_packet_number=50
# Measure direction ['downlink'|'uplink'|'both']
- LTI_packetlossudp_measure_direction=both