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Frequently asked questions

How can I update my version of the Qos-Agent and Reflector ?

To update the Qos-Agent and the Reflector with the latest version, you have to kill and remove the images of the running dockers by the following command:

docker stop lti_qos-agent && docker rm lti_qos-agent && docker rmi registry.latence.ca/software/qos-agent

Delete the old version of the installation file:

rm lti_qos-agent.yml

You can then re-download the yaml file here:

wget https://api.latence.ca/software/lti_qos-agent.yml

And then run the following to download the new images.

Qos-Agent image:

docker-compose -f lti_qos-agent.yml up -d 

You can follow the same procedure for the Reflector:

docker stop lti_reflector && docker rm lti_reflector && docker rmi registry.latence.ca/software/reflector

Delete the old version of the installation file:

rm lti_reflector.yml

You can then re-download the yaml file here:

wget https://api.latence.ca/software/lti_reflector.yml

Re-launch the Reflector:

docker-compose -f lti_reflector.yml up -d 

How can you prove that your measures are accurate ?

Prior to each release, we conduct accuracy tests, which include the following:

  • A comparison with industry accepted tools such as (Ookla’s Speedtest).
  • We introduce predefined set of network variations such as a bandwidth bottlenecks or congestion levels, each followed by test sessions where with compare measurements with the expected results.
  • The introduction of predefined delays, followed by a comparison of our latency measurements with the anticipated outcome.

To meet the acceptance criteria, these measurements must exhibit a maximum difference of 2% from the reference values.

Can I run only one protocol at a time ?

Yes. It is possible to disable a protocol by setting its sampling rate to -1. E.g. specifying LTI_iperf3_session_interval=-1 will disable iperf.

Can I use multiple QoS agents at the same time pointing to the same reflector ?

Yes, is it possible to use multiple QoS agents. It is mandatory to specify a different ID for each agent using LTI_agent_id. If not, you will not be able to identify the data related to a specific QoS agent.

How can I delete my docker which is currently running ?

Please refer to the docker prune documentation.

Is it available in every country ?

Yes, there is no usage restriction in any country.

Other question

If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to open a ticket with the form on the right of this page. We will be happy to help you.